
Hello, and welcome to “Rant In A-Minor”; a place of quiet, philosophical contemplation and spiritual peace … or, if I’m being brutally honest, it’s more a place for angry diatribes and rampant bitching.

My name is Kris King, and this is where I rant about things …

As a life-long sufferer of a condition once referred to by a friend as “early on-set Victor Meldrew Syndrome”, I find that I’m often unable to prevent myself from lapsing into sustained (and usually quite sweary) rants on any number of subjects, much to the annoyance of friends, family, and everyone else in the queue at the garden centre.

However, as one of those evil, blaspheming, angry, heathen, atheist-types, the one subject I find myself most often turning multiple shades of purple over is that of religion. I find it both morbidly fascinating and teeth-grindingly infuriating in equal measure, and its capacity for repeatedly pushing me to the very edge of my sanity is seemingly infinite.

The truth is I’m actually quite a nice, considered, and somewhat introspective person for the most part; okay, yes, I can be a bit arrogant and annoyingly sarcastic (caustic even), but I’m no different from anyone else … every once in a while, we all reach that point where it seems like the only options left are either to have a massive aneurysm, or find some way of venting. Well, this is mine …

I’m sure that I could find ways to express myself more calmly, or indeed creatively, other than simply ranting about something that winds me up … there may even be those who’ll say I’m doing both myself, and others, a disservice by adhering to a tired-old “angry atheist” stereotype, but I’m inclined to disagree. It’s more that I’m frustrated by so many things in the world that seem, to me, to be broken and in desperate need of repair.

I don’t imagine for a second that I’m able to fix any of them (nor would I claim to), but I can, however, at the very least draw attention to the fact that not everything around here is working the way it should be … the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so to speak. Either way, this is my humble attempt to make a small, but hopefully positive, difference.

“Rant In A-Minor” is a fairly unsubtle reference to Bill Hicks who, while not an atheist, was one of a number of people who had a profound effect on the way I think and see the world; a change he achieved while occasionally making use of loud, rude words.

Who am I to dismiss such a worthy tradition?

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